Polarization Maintaining 1300 nm
Telecommunication Fibers
Nufern's Polarization Maintaining Telco fibers are designed for today's most advanced networks. Optimized for use at
1310 nm, these fibers are used in all PM applications for data and telecom. Nufern has applied its unique manufacturing
facility and capabilities to this product area and has established leading optical, mechanical and geometrical tolerances.
The bend insensitive versions of our fibers offer lowest bend loss and extinction ratios at small bend diameters enabling
our customers to reduce package sizes. Available in either 250 or 400 micron coating diameters and prooftested to 200 kpsi,
Nufern's PM fibers will meet the demands of all current and future applications.
Typical Applications
• Pump and source pigtails
• PM patchcords
• Polarization sensitive devices
Features & Benefits
• Tight specifications - Highly deterministic results, highest product yield
• High fatigue failure resistance - Longest service life
• Bend insensitive - Survives application in tight geometries (B version)
• All fiber proof tested to > 200 kpsi - Critical for ensuring long term reliability